
fighting to end the fight

Combat condition: survival stress - deals with the post event mental & physiological symptoms known as "backlash", which may distort the memory. combat stress - Objective fear perceptions include a person having fear of death, injury, killing, incorrect decision-making, failure, or just fear by itself.
In order to analyze how a person functions during combat and under fear, it is important to understand the mental and physical states that a person may experience before at the Pre-Conflict, as combat anxiety - defined as "the anticipation of danger". This anticipation may lead to a gradual deterioration of both mental and physical skills.
This type of condition is related to the mindset of any person that finds himself in a survival conflict (rape, mugging, attacked, war, etc’).
The main effects that it has on a person are related to these facts:
A. During the conflict as the
B. on post Conflict as
As more one can predict Fear, the higher the level of arousal becomes. Once you feel threatened, your level of arousal is not under your voluntary control however; your perception of the threat level and your behavior during levels of high arousal can be strongly influenced by training you receive prior to the threatening situation.

self defense weapons

self defense moves

Most people will do anything they can to steer far clear of situations that may take a violent turn. But there is always the chance that violent behavior can erupt -- uninvited and unexpected.

What can you do then to protect yourself from danger?

Ten years spent mastering Tai Mai Shu kung fu may keep you fit, flexible, and graceful. But just invest ten minutes reading these four tips and you may well save your life if violence ever does erupt.
These are simple ideas, but not common.  They are easily implemented and don't require an arsenal of secret weapons to work.  Since most people don't plan to be attacked, these ideas don't occur to them until they are remembering the event later and thinking, "GEE!  If only I had ... "


self defense

 if an attack seems imminent, stay calm and get ready to defend yourself. Balance your body in the classic boxer stance, standing and moving like a boxer. Face your opponent and raise your hands to protect your face and neck, keeping your elbows close to your body. Bend your knees, with one leg slightly forward, and spread your feet about the width of your shoulders.

When you're attacked, watch the guy's hands, not his face. You can react quicker to a swinging fist if you see the arm being cocked. If the guy has a knife, you will want to know that quickly and keep your eyes on it so you can react. Don't panic or you
self defense move